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hi, hope you liked this new update :), is there any feedback?

hi, hope you liked this new update :)

Loving it!

There's a lot of new stuff!

I only had ~30 minutes to check it out last night (late night IT jobs were all finished and I was crashing out).

Hats off!  Jumping from v 0.94.1 (I think?) to v 0.98 in one update?.... _NOICE!_

I need a bit more time to get familiar with the new upgrades and battle system.


One thing I've noticed is that I can't place a "mega mech" into my battle layout - it says "cannot assign mega mech to multiple lanes".... but I don't have mega mech assigned to any lane.

It happens even if the layout is blank (nothing in any lane).

Another thing I've noticed is that the items in the HQ Store  prices (CPU, GPU, RAM, Fan) ramp up and get expensive REALLY FAST.

Like I'm having trouble affording keeping my system heat in check and I've put so much time into this game I have INSANE resources.

It could be that there is an upgrade/software to reduce the prices of HQ store, but I haven't been able to fully explore the new version so I'll get back to you on this one.

But the HQ hardware prices get really expensive, really quickly (compared to the old version!)

Mango for president 2028!

This is some good stuff mango!

Peace from FL!!!!

(2 edits) (+2)

Feedback #2


Speaking of feedback, I miss the feedback you would get from clicking the "CPC" button - numbers used to pop up when I clicked the button telling me how much my click was worth (I know, I know, it shows the number below).  Now when I click there are no more "+XXX.X credit" numbers popping up - only the little G credit symbol pulsates.  Can we get the numbers back?

Small gripe but it feels impactful from a player perspective.  "Oooh I clicked a thing, something happened!" vs * "G wobbles 1 time"

Game crash:

During the course of typing this very message, at about ~9:25pmEST, I had the game crash (over on after watching the ad to get "G" (credit).

Using Chrome Version 133.0.6943.98 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Ublock Origin utilized

Windows 10

Google Chrome did not crash nor hang. (other tabs responsive) page did not hang (still able to scroll, animations happening on page, links live)

Only Console Idle froze.

Google Chrome asked to wait or close - clicked wait twice, ending up reloading site.

Automation Bots Bug

The following automation bots are displaying an "Idle" number in the negative value (Support Hand, Fine Support Hand, Advanced Support Hand, Advanced Casting Tong, Advanced Explorer Bot, Advanced Scrap Grapple).

I'm trying to figure it out based on the numbers, but when I reformatted my consumption was high and I had 0 max energy (no hardware bought yet)

After buying a bunch of hardware, I decided to Withdrawal my automation bots so I could get my consumption lower than my max energy.

It appears that those bots just got deleted altogether when I unassigned them from their production task.

All the bots were deleted (nothing in Bot manager even though I unassigned tons of bots to get my consumption down)

And it assigned me a negative Idle number (Idle: -6,  Idle:  -74) for the bots which were unassigned.

When I purchase a bot now it increments the "Idle: -X" by +1 or +10, etc. equaling the appropriate value of bots assembled/purchased.

BUT, since the game is reporting -Idle bots, even though I now purchased these bots and can see them in bot manager, I cannot assign them to production task because the game thinks I have negative amount of bots and tells me "no Casting Tong in Warehouse" - even though I just Assembled Casting Tongs and see them in Warehouse. 

The number of bots above each bot icon is correct.  However, when you highlight the bot, that is when you can see the -Idle Number.  (-Idle number also displays in production when adding bots)

The negative Idle number is incrementing upon Assembly - so I would have to purchase enough bots to make my Idle: X positive before I can place actual bots.  Meaning my new "Zero" would be however many bots I had to assemble to get the "Idle: -6" to 0.  So if I assemble 6 bots, I would then have 0 Idle.

If I assemble 7 bots, I would have 1 Idle and can then assign to production task.


The new Console GUI is excellent.  The animations and soft design changes are a nice touch and are really tying the experience together in a big way.

However, I am noticing some severe input lag.  Especially during Performing Sequence Task, Pressing Task, Etc..

The lag is not consistent.  Sometimes it will respond quickly, sometimes it's soft and spongey and it has made doing tasks less fun.  Especially the sequence tasks which would light up instantly as you correctly input directions.  The arrows now lazily light up whenever they feel like it.

World Map battles are lagging as well.  Choppy Status Bars that sputter/burst upwards during battle.

Ooooo, just tested color changes.  Not sure if this could help you pinpoint the issue but there is HUGE graphial lag when switching color schemes in System Appearance.

It appears there is now a slight fading transition animation when swtiching color schemes - it looks really smooth and very cool - BUT it lags out the framerate so hard that the transition happens in small stages.

Don't get me wrong, it looks really trippy and I like it - but you can tell the framerate is just dumping and chopping.  If I change color scheme and quick grab the window slider, the refresh of the window chops as well during the color change and then the frames come back up once the color stabalizes.

I am really liking watching the transition though!  Especially how the windows fade first, and the other buttons and icons fade just a moment after.

It's making me wish we had a 2 tone color picker! XD (Bring back Cyan and Pink from the oooooold days) but I know it would clash with the other colors you have going on.


Building on colors, the new eye-candy icons and hues/gradients are very pleasant.

Rounded Window edge soften the GUI and are a subtle touch.  the option to change them back to square is one that I find funny but if people like square windows it's nice of you to keep those people in mind with an option to get square. (Even if the aspect of the windows/menus are as such that your mind portions them off a rectangular/square-ended zones)

The layouts are tighter and more well-defined.

All in all, Console Idle gained more depth, character, and style.  This game is going up.

Still testing it out!

More to come!


- can't assign Mega Mech. It's an odd bug, i can't wrap my head around the cause. Try assigning all lanes with other bots first, then, try assigning Mega Mech again. Does this resolve the issue?

- Regarding HQ prices, have you researched the Resources and Store HQ price nodes in the Format tree? If so, do you still feel that the prices are unfair even with these upgrades?

- The floating text when clicking the clicker is still implemented. I tested it on two machines, and it's working properly. Are you certain it's not visible on your end?

- I believe the negative bot issue is due to migration from the old system to the new update, as there were changes to the save file data structure. This won't affect new game files, but if you're experiencing this issue, you can send me your extracted save file, and I'll fix it for you. However, you'll lose any progress made from the moment you send it until you import the fixed version.

- I'll investigate the game crash after watching an ad. I've tested ads hundreds of times, but unexpected issues can still pop up.

- Have you tried turning off CSS animations? This should help. I’m considering making CSS animations disabled by default so that new players don’t mistakenly think the game is lagging by default.

- Does turning off CSS animations improve the performance of the world map battle GUI as well? If not, fixing this might be challenging since the game runs locally on your machine. I may need to optimize battle code and implement some tricks to make it run more efficiently across different systems, but i am not sure how yet!.

- The lag when switching colors should also be resolved by disabling CSS animations.

Thank you for this detailed feedback, and i am glad that you liked the new colors and GUI and all the new stuff, more to come! :D


Woah. A dedicated bug tester and a dedicated dev. +1 for ya :3

Also, nice game :D


We're 25d:04h:42m into Max CPS Run #2 and we've made gains!

The run is going fairly well and we're on course to get the First Paycheck Achievement that I missed by a few days last run!

We're holding tight at 46% threat level!

My Format "Next" CPS Bonus is currently 10x my actual CPS Bonus!

All in all things are going great!

Can't wait for the new update!

Peace from FL!

Hi, sorry for being super late, and thank you for continuing playing the game despite the long absence.

The next update is soon, i am now in the last testing/balancing cycle, and since you are still playing, i think you gonna love the next update :)

(1 edit) (+1)

You can't rush perfection!

Take your time do it right!

We're all behind you Mango!


Hello again. Still supporting the game? Still waiting for new updates.

With love, the guy who beat this game.

Hi, your reply somehow slipped away

Yes, still supporting the game, what i have done so far can be considered a a huge update to be released, but i am being greedy, and will continue to add some more before release :D


Hey yo where's my king coin?



Just checking in!

Much love from FL, USA.

Peace Mango!


Hi, welcome back :)

King coin is a myth :3


It may be but a myth to you, but to some...

There are still rarities of coins out there we aren't fully able to comprehend as a species.

We simply haven't clicked them yet.

You don't know!

whoa! D:

fair point, It was ignorance on my part.

(2 edits)

I opened my test save and CPS and DPS values were much lower (over 9 times) and only changed to the correct ones when I installed a keyboard. No, neither GPU nor CPU were at extremely high %. Does -by any chance- the game decide to go crazy when the code is modified even with no corrupted data?

i have uploaded a sneaky update recently fixing three bugs

1- the Idle report bug you mentioned

2- the presser and sequencer bug you also mentioned

3- a bug that lets you assign bots into sequencer infinity as long as you have enough system energy (ignoring sequencer energy limit)

so maybe fixing the last bug caused the decrease in cps and dps, as you where technically getting more than intended !!

It has nothing to do with any of that! The correct values were ~4.6 Qi of CPS and ~132 KB of DPS but when I opened my test save these values were at ~500 Qa and ~14 KB. And Presser and Sequencer do not affect main CPS/DPS. If you still don't understand, you should try to reproduce the bug.

(4 edits)

 First image is before and second is after. Notice that the correct amount of CPS is over eight times the wrong one whilst the correct amount of DPS is over nine times the wrong one. The wrong amounts are used in the hibernation report even though all hibernation nodes have been researched (image 3). I triggered the bug by closing the CrazyGames tab and opening it back after some time. In the second image, you might notice an increase of approximately 20.465Sx* credits, but there was a crown coin boosting the amount of CPC by x81 (increasing it to more than 80Qi** CPC)

* ab

** aa

 I found out that you can have 0 (without letters after it) of data and negative values.

this is strange!

i just checked the code this should be impossible to happen, there is a code to prevent any negative values!!, or so i thought!, 

did this occurred normally, without altering anything?
if yes, how, because it seems it would be really hard to track this from code without context.

(6 edits)

If you edit the save file and put a negative amount of credits, data and data multipliers, you get negative values. Also, if you put extremely large amounts of data by editing the save file (e.g. 1e+33), it doesn't appear as "1000 QB" but rather stuck on 0.

Alright, since these bugs are artificially created, i will not investigate or try to fix them, since they will not occur in the expected normal flow of the game!

Thank you for reporting all these bugs.

(5 edits)

Why is it that you can start after formatting with more than 0 credits per second without purchasing anything? Also, a temperature increase of 0°C in upgrades is not 0 but rather different values so it should be changed to the actual one. And why do temperature warnings appear every time the number at the top right changes every time it indicates that the system is overcooled/overheated? And there is no 0°C temperature between -0°C (only possible by rounding) and 1°C. There are various findings.

  1. This will be changed to when you have at least +1% in Next CPS, and then i will see where this change goes!
  2. Temperature warning will not stop until the temp is between 0-95,
  3. Yes the value displayed is rounded, this because if the full value is displayed, for example -0.5 or 1.5, it will overlap with other values around it, and it be just a mess of texts. i did not find a solution for this yet!
(1 edit)

Bug: Idle Report might not show values

Hello, thank you for reporting

Are you able to reproduce the bug?, if yes, the how?.

this will help pin point the bug immediately.

(1 edit)

Sorry to disappoint you but I have deleted my save. (By the way this is a test save). Things didn't change after going idle a few times.

OK the picture alone was helpful to find the bug!!, 

a fix should be online tomorrow or as soon as possible, thank you.

(2 edits)

I found out that the energy limit for "Presser" is 60 but for "Sequencer" is 40 when it should be 50 for both. No, I didn't edit "max pressing/sequencer energy". Also (notice the rectangles)

got it.

As for the UI it will stay like this until the next patch :)

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm back and I found a bug (notice the cost in credits). I had to wait to buy 10 desks.


Well all good things come to an end and at 99% GAIA infection it's sadly time for my first Max CPS run to come to a close.

My format screen - notice the Next Bonus % =D

Total System Uptime:  24d:02h:23m  (super bummed I couldn't get the 30 day system uptime achievement!)

Max CPS without Coin:  76.737ad

Highest Credit Held:  ~11ag

Total Data:  77 TB >>> 299 TB

Data Gained:  222 TB

(My previous run was Max DPS run so I started this run with ~77TB and ended with 299TB)

I was able to get a few more of the hardware achievements as well so this run went great!

Online Shop was very nice to me later in the run over and over - really got me off the plateau and back into blast off mode.

Today officially begins....

Max CPS run #2! Let's gooooooooo!

Peace Mango!

Glad to see you having fun playing the game :)

thanks for sharing these numbers and goal, it helps me on my balancing decisions :P


Please don't balance on this

I'm abusing bugs sir!

Literally 99% of my CPS is from a juicy bug

And I'm willing to tell you about this bug for a price (king coin)

(2 edits) (+1)

When we go out of Beta are we going to reset?

PS: Online Store really did me right tonight with some choice upgrades.  Thank you bro!  I know it was you!  XD

Update #2:  Rare Coin Found CPS x 1445!!!!! OMG WTFFFFF!!!! WOOOOOOOOO!!! YOOOOO!  YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!  Cheers Brotha!

Hi :)

No, for now there should be no reset, tho there might be in the future, especially when optimizing games code, but that decision will be Wisely taken.

Deleted 261 days ago

Sincerely, thank you for your willingness to voluntarily translate the game into Russian. Unfortunately, the current version of the game does not support the ability to add other languages. New languages are planned to be added when the game is finally out of BETA. Hope it is soon XD

I saved your contact information and deleted your message for unwanted behavior


First of all, I beat the game. I have all the bonuses in FORMAT, and an extra terabyte of DPS in stock for future updates. Now about the main thing. We really need your equivalent of a golden cookie to sometimes give a bonus to network speed. Also, auto-blocking attacks is absolutely useless. I learned to pass any attacks even on impossible difficulty. NO, this does not mean you need to increase the difficulty (please). It would make sense if the firewall, in case of failure, would simply launch the challenge as usual. Finally, something needs to be done about the fact that sometimes these attacks are launched while watching ads on 2x 4x 8x. I literally run an ad and after it I see that the threat increases. Also, it would be nice to add a bonus to the FORMAT so that the network speed from the router would increase. Well, it’s also time to add Advancing Decoding algorithms V 1.9.0 and 2.0.

Hello again deadmaldoror :D

Thank you for stinking along all this time, i am glad to hear you liked the game

Now for your points:

  1. Network speed has been intentionally reduced in favor of future updates, meaning there are a few things planned for network speeds and other features, (some of which will be in the next update)
  2. Firewall serves mainly for when in an idle state, to reduce idle threat gain. Otherwise, too frequent formatting would be required. or if the player is no longer interested in manually blocking the attacks
  3. Attacks are launched during ads...hmmm, Basically, when you are watching ads, the game is put into the Idle state, so the logic of calculating idle stats, including attacks, is executed as usual. I will see what I can do about this, but not soon—maybe along with the next patch. :)
  4. Other expansions will be added in the future, including new levels for advancing decoding algorithms

Again, thank you for playing :) As always, if you have other things to talk about, I am here


Console Idle Rocks!

How you holding up buddy?!  Hope everything's good!

Console Idle Report:  I'm 2+ months well into my "Max CPS run".

I am earning on the lower end of the ac register at ~16ac/CPS.  

Somedays I feel like I'm on a CPS plateau, other days I think I might hit the logarithmic booster function and blast off to the ad/CPS register.

All apologies, I _AM_ abusing a bug which is giving me most of my CPS.  And when I say most of my CPS, I mean probably like 99% of it.  

(Special note: This is not a cheat, nor a hack, just a bug!  If I don't exploit this thing to get more CPS satelittes GAIA is going to win bro!  Don't be mad!  I'm trying to help!)

But at this level of Console Idle, I'm just trying to figure out how it all works.  I still cannot get HALF of the achievements for owning hardware (450+) even on keyboards, despite my inflated CPS.


Idk I thought after getting the format upgrades for +CPS on Satellite, Dish, Solar Generator, Tower, etc.. that I would be able to get maybe 500/600 hardware, but even after all upgrades, I don't see a huge increase in the amount of hardware I can afford. 

Hardware prices scale up really high and I don't yet see a natural method of CPS generation to afford it (probably by design at this point).

I have many more thoughts, topics of interest, and even future ideas about Console Idle.  But I won't beat you with them all at once because I'm excited for what you are going to do :D


(2 edits)

Hello NoClickBotISwear

Glad to hear you are enjoying your time playing the game. let me answer all your questions

  1. You can Absolutely cheat and do what you like, since it is essentially not Multiplayer game!, tho, i would like you to report that bug :3
  2. The other half of the Achievements are not meant to be obtainable in this current version of the game, i know it's sucks, but as the game moves forward more things will be unlocked accordingly :)
  3. As for the prices and CPS rollercoaster, some are meant to be like this and others are Oopsies from me, however i was able to address some of them (for the next patch)
  4. as for reaching the limit and not being able to buy/increase your stuff as fast as in early game, it is because you've reached hardcap scaling for the current version
  5. Finally, in the next update, you should expect new content that will expand the current limit, like the new World map, new Hardware/Software, and many other things, the patch is big, and i am still in the development cycle, but do not worry it is running smoothly.

Please do not hesitate to share your ideas, i will read all, and thank you for playing and your kind words :D

(1 edit) (+1)

we require more vespene gas


Glad to know you had fun playing the game!.

vespene gas you shall have once we have a supply



Idk Console Idle scratches that itch bro!

i understand your anticipation for new a update, but sorry for disappointing you, it's a tiny patch to fix a game crashing bug

Console Idle is great because I can play it and practice guitar at the same time!


Thank you for playing the game :)


Bro I have so many questions and things.

I practice a lot of guitar, so that means I've also played a lot of Console Idle (23+ days total time).

It's been fun to have played through several revisions of Console Idle and watch new features roll out (exciting! part of what keeps me playing!  what's the world map going to be like? who knows???).

I have some questions about hardware scalings?

I feel like I hit a wall in the same place even though I have lots of upgrades and have CPS bonuses from formats.

Maybe it is subconscious feeling and not empyrically measured, but I feel like hardware CPS scaling isn't scaling hard enough late game?

Or maybe I'm not lategame?  Maybe I just think I'm lategame but I'm actually midgame?

Also bugs!  There's bugs!  Some of the bugs are great for the player!  I like 'em!

All in good fun.

Hello, first thank you for playing the game :)

secondly, in this current version of the game you are in the late game and you kinda reached max scaling, you could still push it, but slowly!.

thirdly, if you have the time could you report these bugs? :), if you do not want to, it's fine..., i will catch them myself eventually :D

(1 edit)

I will tell you that this run is my own personal late-game CPS/Hardware test :D

I have to see what the ceiling is.

I'm 100% maxed out upgrades. I have 77 TB left over.  I was able to get some TB Data by timing coins with GAIA attacks:

If I played long enough, a coin would appear during GAIA attack, and if you click the coin before completing task, your GAIA reward will be multiplied by the coin amount.  So Rare+ Data Coin and GAIA attacks made me rich in DATA.  

In the new update the GAIA attack draws over the coins I think because I haven't seen this event (coin + GAIA) since you updated recently.

However, I was able to get MOST of my 77 TB in one version of Console Idle where Ad Network would give a coin, then a coin would spawn organically - so you can get DOUBLE COIN OMG YES.  When this happens, not only are you getting _absurd_ DPS (GBPS), but you could reset your task rewards and they would scale with "Double Coin Bonus DPS" - giving you huge GB/TB payouts.

This method sometimes takes hours of playing to get a lucky timing - but I'm practicing guitar so I'm just playing anyways.

I'm pretty sure I got lucky with Double Coin + GAIA Attack and got 40+ TB - I have the screenshot somewhere.

The bugs?  What bugs?  Are we talking about grasshoppers or more like termites? XD XD XD 

Whoa 77TB! you shouldn't have this amount of data XD, and i see you are a legacy player!, played on the old UI :D

and yeah legacy version has this kind or interactions so i see where you got 77TB, but no more :D

like coin increasing tasks rewards, or double coin, although you could still get double coin right now (normal spawn + ad coin), but now the effects will be additive, like x22DPS and x145DPS = 167DPS.

finally, i was originally going to keep the uncommon GAIA + coin thing to stay since it is a way to reward an active player, but i will look more deeply in this interaction.

Thank you for the report :)

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm burying the bug report in this 2 month old comment so nobody else can abuse it XD

There is no limit cap for Procedure >>> Sequence

I have 1000 support hands in Sequencing :O

It was purely unintentional at first, I was just spam clicking bots back into procedure after a format and then I saw it overflow past the limit.

Then I was like "eh, I'll just add 10 more"

And then I was like "eh, I'll just add like 10 more"

And then I was like "well, I'll just add like 10 more"

And then a week later I was like "well, I've got like 40M materials" *clickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclickclick*

And here we are!

(Hi my name is NoClickBotISwear and I'm addicted to credits!)

Much Love!


PS: Is the King Coin even still a thing?


you know why!, the code to calculate max limit energy for Sequencer is not ever there!!!(fixed)

Thank you for reporting this bug, and oh don't panic, it will not be hot fixed.

PS: What is a King coin? :D


ah yes the nostalgia of this game brings joy and tears to my eye ;3

P.S. it is *chefs kiss* good sire. keep up the good work! u need it for your determination for (insert how long you have worked for).


Thank you for the kind words :D

(1 edit)

Your welcome bro! Underrated or not, everyone deserves some appreciation! Never let anyone put you down. <3

Hello, long time no see! I haven't played this game for some time because of a charger issue.

Anyway, are you working on a big update? 

Hello again, and welcome back :)

Yes i am still working on the world map update.

(1 edit)

I can't find the store to buy RAM in the game please help me 

nvm I just realized those empty boxes where the store and stuff

Hello, it seems a notification about your comment popped up only today!

empty boxes?
a fix should be online in the next 48h, thank you for reporting this :D.

I found out that some keys will never appear in pressing tasks.

Indeed, after some investigation, that was the case!.

Thank you for reporting this bug.

(12 edits)

Suggestion: When in "x5", "x10", etc. modes when buying hardware, the text should be updated to say "Generate [x5/10/25/50/100] credit per second". Also, I found out that the gold thing in the effect viewer overlaps with icons of research nodes and in the online store dashes are missing when you hover over HQ store hardware. "World wide" should be "Worldwide" and "mouses" should be "mice" as it's more common though both mouses and mice are correct. In Format, "Keyboard" is misspelt as "Keybarod". The cost in credit of software that upgrade radar dishes is low compared to the ones that upgrade radio towers. An example of that is "Radar dish v1.4.0" being over six times cheaper than "Radio tower v1.4.0".

Thank you for reporting all these typos.

Indeed, "Radar dish v1.4.0" is cheaper than "Radio tower v1.4.0". It seems there is a missing zero.

Regarding your suggestion, I didn't quite understand. Are you suggesting that it will show you how much it will generate on the next purchase? For example, 0.1 on x5, would equal 0.6 in the pop-up card that appears when hovering over a hardware?

Nothing seems to overlap regarding the effect viewer and research node.

I also didn't understand the missing dashes.

I checked all of them before this reply, but I didn't catch what you are trying to refer to.

(2 edits) (+1)

3. Not that. An example in x25 mode: 88 becomes 2200. 

4. When an effect is active, you're in "Format" and you put the icon of a research node just above the gold background in the square (without the entirety of the icon appearing) that appears when a crown coin effect is active, the icon and the gold background in the square overlap.

5. When you buy a fan from the online store, a dash is missing. E.g.: "11°C" instead of "-11°C".

Also, I have told you about a bug where materials are still produced even with an energy overload.

  1. i see, yeah why not!, i will also include how much the hardware will generate on the next purchase :D, for example: CPS: 0.1 >> 0.6
  2. ah, i saw it too!.
  3. actually it is intended!, but i will unify all signs in future updates, so that they follow same context.
  4. Oh, was that what you meant!!, i thought there was some wrong calculations or representation for MPM, will be fixed in next updates

Also, "Data sorting" doesn't increase DPS by 15%. I believe it refers to the base DPS?

the increase is additive, not multiplicative

(7 edits)

"estimated" is misspelt as "estemated" in the store. "defence" should be "Defence" with a capital D in the bot manager where it says "Defence bots". Also, newly researched nodes are cancelled after the player hibernates the system. (Example: You research "magnetic generator", but you hibernate the system and it's cancelled). Is that intended? Also, credit and data rewards you get from blocking hacks are random.

Thank you for reporting these typos :D

Yes it is intended, and you gain your data back!

(5 edits) (+1)

Also, "Warning! System heat is too high" appears even when a cooldown is in progress. "Multithreding" should be "Multithreading" in the names of research nodes called so. "Nods" should be "nodes" in "root". There's a "+" missing in Xor gate v1.0.1 before 4.5%.

The warning sign will continue to appear as long as your current Heat is 95+ or 0-, so it is not a bug

(1 edit)
I accidentally quit the game by clicking "Action" in the CrazyGames menu whilst a CPS x92 crown coin was active and this happened: 

I tried to reproduce the bug by activating a coin then close the game and reopen it, but it did not happen, are you sure this is a bug?.

what if you mistakenly open another file, and thought this is what you currently wanted to open?

(5 edits)

It's the same file, the only one I have. I believe it's because the game was inactive for a longer time than the seconds left for the crown coin's effect.

(5 edits)

In software, "Increase/ing" should be "increases". Also, "missle" should be "missile" in the bot manager. "Pause" is misspelt as "pasue" in the box that appears when you hover over "pause" (tasks).

I got a different hack in the sense that the text "HACKED - Fake Certificates: Easy" was placed higher. It was locked at that text and I had no other choice but to switch between windows.

Are you referring to a distorted view? Where the normal flow of the HACK animation did not occur as expected, and the view displaying 'HACKED - Fake Certificates: Easy' did not disappear but instead overlapped with other views, resulting in locking you in until you switched tabs? Right?

if yes, till this point i did not find a solution to it, because it is a browser related thing.

(1 edit)

Yes; I don't recall seeing the G.A.I.A. icon and orange text that says "G.A.I.A." for your information.

(20 edits)

A "G.A.I.A" (without the final dot) leftover in System manager/Details is present. Also, there are unnecessary capital letters (the only example I'll give is in the "Radio Detection And Ranging" achievement, where only the "R" in "Radio" should be capitalised)

"Broadcasting" is misspelt as "brodcasting" in the achievement unlocked when you buy 25 radio towers.

The second paragraph that appears when you hover over "Threat" should be reworded as "A higher G.A.I.A. difficulty number means hacks are more frequent and the negative effect and duration of a sabotage is more harmful and higher respectively".

Also, I cancel my suggestion of a hypothetical software called "dongle". If it even gets added, it should be with a different name, as a dongle is a type of hardware. At the same time, I suggest a logic gate is added to the already existing ones that can be installed as software called "Buffer", which precedes all other gates.

Also, the second software that upgrades radar dishes is cheaper than it should be. "Radio tower v1.3.0" and "v1.4.0" cost the same. "Moveable" should be "Movable" in "Moveable Desk (which should be 'desk')".

I also suggest information not only concerning the total or session amount of (thing [+ action]), but also in the latest "post-format session"; that is, the session that starts immediately after the latest system format. I also suggest that numbers are rounded up after it came to my attention that "~1.880B" * 3 = "5.642B", something only possible when the former's full number is at least (and including) 1,880,500,000; by rounding up it would be "1.881B". These numbers aren't random: they were the rewards in credits I (as of writing time) get from easy and hard pressing tasks respectively. I also found out that hibernating the system affects "session (thing) generated"; is that intended? There's also a lack of plurals in hardware achievements, as well as a typo in the bot manager: "tcannon" instead of "cannon". "Where its presented" should be "where it's presented" in the addition task description text when you hover over the calculator. Also, "Advanced decoding algorithms v1.6.0" in Format is repeated twice. "Paied" in "Get paied" should be "paid". "clicktinuum" in System manager/Software should be "Clicktinuum" with the capital C.

All typos/bugs reported have been fixed in

  1. The 'Buffer' might be more suited as a 4th DPS multiplier after 'Data sorting' software.
  2. Number rounding could indicate incorrect number presentation. I will investigate further to understand why such discrepancies occurred. It might be related to the text-level representation or the actual numerical values themselves. This will take time.
  3. Regarding Hibernation affecting sessions, actually, I did not think about it! 😄 I'm not sure whether I should keep it like this or change it!
  4. Regarding the lack of plurals in Hardware achievements, hardware is treated as a unit in that context, thus, they should not be changed to their plural form.
  5. I liked the idea about adding a new page detected to your previous format information. I will also consider whether I should split 'session' information or not! Anyway, a 'session' starts when loading a file and ends when closed, so I am not sure if I should make it more complex and divide it further, like before hibernate/after hibernate, before format/after format!! Anyway, this requires careful consideration.
(1 edit)

1. Got it. However, the reason I suggested it as a logic gate is because it's a logic gate; the rest could be adjusted, but I respect your opinion.

2. It's because they're rounded down.

4. I meant something like "Install 25 solar power units", "25 radar dishes", "150 satellites", etc.

(3 edits) (+1)

the plural of "dish" is "dishes", not "dishs".

Also, is the same task failing to start after a hack attempt intended? (e.g.: the active task was "Addition". After a hack attempt, you can't start "Addition" unless you switch tasks) As well as that, the effect of crown coins might go away when in hibernation mode. Is that intended?

Indeed, tasks do not respond after a hack unless you switch back to them, this is a bug.

As for Crown Coin, yes, it is intended to go away in hibernation, along with all other effects, including ADs. However, you will still gain their effects regardless.

But while i was investigating, i have discovered a bug in hibernation and Idle calculation

These three bugs are not a MUST fix like game freezing bugs or CORE gameplay bugs,so they will be fixed along with a normal patch

Thank you again for reporting these bugs :):)

Crown coins also affect rewards you get from ads. 

(2 edits) (+1)

Crown coins also affect CPS/DPS when in hibernation mode. Is that intended?

Huh.. nop, it is not intended.

This is not a game-breaker thing, so it will be fixed in the next update, so take advantage of it while it last, but don't get used into it XD

Thank you for reporting about it.

New bug found. For context, "1,296" was previously "1,291".

(8 edits) (+1)

Typos/grammar errors detected: "vaia" instead of "via" and "crwon" instead of "crown". "Updates Notes" instead of "Update notes". "Complated" instead of "completed". "...Hacks attempts" instead of "...hack attempts". "Succesfull" instead of "successful". "Intall" instead of "install". "Setuations" instead of "situations". There are more, but the native speaker of English you find (if you even plan to) would help.

Another thing worth mentioning: "A.I" should be "A.I." without the quotes. 

Also, there's a "FAN" (in all caps) leftover present.

(2 edits)

The game, or my save, is still stuck. I can only generate credit by clicking, when idle, or when the system is hibernated. For example, I have 8.006 trillion credits with a CPS of 2B. In the next second, it should say 8.008T but instead it's stuck at 8.006T.

Another typo: "Magnatic" instead of "Magnetic generator". 

still stuck even after, well this is concerning, did you refresh, in setting are you in version?, on my part everything in working pretty fine!

Look. I am on Right before I exited, I had 222.236T credit. Does it have to do with the save?

i did not understand you, what is the problem?, i checked my save file here on itch, and i have also triggered the event that was causing the game to freeze and it did not freeze, and everything is working as expected,

The minor loss of progress might be on the browser's part, where it prevents rapid frequent writing to its memory.

(2 edits)

For context, the two images are before some time and after (about a minute, I don't know exactly). The first image is after. Do you want my save file?

although the bug is not related to save files, but yeah why not! lemme check,

also could you press F12 to open developer tools, then navigate to Console, do you see any messages highlighted in red?

Thank you for reporting this bug.

Actually it was another bug that causes the game to freeze.

Hopefully the fix will be online in the next 24h.

(1 edit)

Hotfix Update is online, please could you check if the game is running now without freezing?


The game is basically stuck. Hardware doesn't generate anything; only when idle, hibernated, or by clicking. I can still buy hardware, but the online store's refreshing timer only decreases by a second after hibernation. For example: 8:24 to 8:23.

there is a bug that makes the game freeze. I already uploaded a fix like 20 hours ago, but it's still pending to be online.

I believe updates are reviewed by CrazyGames?

(10 edits)

After the update was released, I still see typos. E.g. simplidied instead of simplified. In my case, "Details" is cropped as "Detail" in the System Manager. "Dowloands" is another typo found in the Store. As for grammar errors, I don't think you're a native speaker of English, but "rewareds", "sobataged" and "difficulity" are not words and plurals are missing (e.g. "radar dishes", "satellites" in achievements). It's not like it's difficult to understand you, though. So probably not a thing to fix I guess, considering my point in bold. "contribution points" should be "Contribution points" in the system manager. It also comes to my attention that more pressing tasks than addition/sequence ones are needed for "Overflow" to be unlocked. Is that intentional or will that be updated in a future balancing update? 


These typos are like cockroaches; they keep coming back!

Details can be scrolled horizontally using the mouse wheel.

Indeed, I am not a native speaker of English, but with every mistake, and with wonderful people like you who would help, I become better at it.

Typos and grammar issues are not an urgent thing to fix since they are not game-breakers. They will get fixed along with regular patches.

As for pressing tasks, yes, it is intentional. Pressing tasks are relatively far easier than others and can be completed faster.

If you have the time, could you give me your feedback on the new fixed prices of hardware and HQ store times after the fix? Do they still seem ridiculously expensive (unfair)?

(6 edits)

1) By "they keep coming back" you mean the code reverts fixed typos or something like that? 

2) Oh. I just saw that.

4) and 5) Understood.

6) They aren't ridiculously expensive anymore! However, I found out that the cost of the next hardware in HQ store is multiplied by 1.155 instead of 1.15.

Also, I think the "Impossible" difficulty in G.A.I.A. hack challenges should be renamed. Even though these are harder to complete, they're theoretically possible. 

"Nxor gate" should be "Xnor gate". 

1- no, just a metaphor.

6- not a bug, intended.

7- Yes, (they're theoretically possible). However, since they are extremely challenging and their purpose is basically to forcefully increase the threat level, if the player manages to block one, its current name will make it more gratifying to block!.

8- Got it.

(2 edits)

1) Did you forget to fix the typos? If not, what happened?

3) I still think it should be renamed, probably to "Very/Extremely Hard" or "Nearly Impossible". The fact that these challenges are theoretically possible makes "Impossible" exaggerated.

As for the different abbreviations for orders of magnitude, I still think that "Qi", etc. should be used. Even if "aa" is easy to read, it does not really represent the actual order of magnitude because of the completely different name. If that change succeeds, the name of the achievement "abnaire?" should be changed to "Sextillionaire".

I am against a planned addition of languages; inaccuracies might exist in languages that aren't your native one. A comparison between tools for translation: (Yes, I know nothing is perfect)

Also, sorry for saying it again, but some references to "G.A.I.A." lack a fourth and final dot.

1- All the typos that you have reported, plus a few more, have been corrected. What I meant is that whenever I think there will be no more typos or anything regarding the game's text, some typo will pop up somewhere!

Do not worry about the addition of languages. Whenever their time comes, I will find a native speaker of the targeted language to do the translation.

As for the naming of 'orders of magnitude', I'm going to stick to the current names. The same goes for 'Impossible'.

(42 edits) (+1)


In lower resolutions the text might split (e.g. CPC: 46,513.128 becomes


46,513.128). The same is true for "System manager" at the top where it might appear as "System


Also, crown coins can still earn speed achievements and affect rewards for blocking hacks and loop points. Sabotages by G.A.I.A (should be "G.A.I.A." without the quotes) also affect tier and loop point rewards.

There's a node called "Bot Manager:_root:". I hope the name is fixed.

The text concerning the icons' licence in the Settings page is in Times New Roman for some reason, so is the text in the "effect square" when no effects are active.

The loop points bar might not update.

Item prices are the amount of credit required for the xth hardware. (Let's say a hardware costs 846T after 25 ones. The price for 25 of that hardware is 846T instead of a bigger number).

In the Bot Manager, Casting's mps is "x/4m" instead of "x/2m" for some reason.

When pressing Caps Lock and then ANY key in "Pressing", it throws an "incorrect input" error.

Easy addition tasks might become weird (e.g. any correct answer giving you nine points).

Two tasks can be highlighted.

The "hibernation report" window does not display the entirety of it in lower resolutions. I suggest the window's size is increased.

"50 Router [sic]", "100 Router" and so on are shaded after formatting. 

The description of "Xor gate v1.0.1 [should be 1.0.0 and so on]" (Xor gate Increases CPS by 4.5%) is different from that of other gates.

I also saw the "Idle report" window even though idle reporting was turned off. This happens when you go idle whilst the "Hibernation report" window is open.

The third sequence task upgrade should be called "Chaining" instead of "Overflow" in its name.

By "fixing capitalisation" I include changing "Crown" to "crown" in "Increase Crown coin effect..."

Are some of these bugs/quirks intentional or not? And are the individual increasing prices of hardware intentionally ridiculous?

TL;DR: There are many bugs and quirks.

Hello again consoleidlefan

@_@ that's a long list, first thank you so much of putting time and effort into creating this list.

1- what size exactly is the 'lower resolutions'?, the lowest screen size supported is 922x487, less then that and there will be some weird breaking parts, and i am not sure wither i should be concerned about it or not, since in most normal cases, the game should not run in this kind of small screen resolution, unless you alter it, hence it is not the regular user experience!.

2- i would like to keep them that way, since crown coin should create this burst of enjoyment for a little bit of time!, but it should not rise Tier rewards, anyway i will double check on all of them.

3- i did not understand this point "Item prices are the amount..." could explain a bit more?, Hardware prices increase on each purchase, i bought using x25 mode, and the 26th one price was higher.

4- "When pressing Caps Lock and then ANY key in "Pressing", it throws an "incorrect input" error.", yes it will throw an error, because it is checking for small letters inputs specifically, this was my solution while trying to support all keyboard layouts, alright, i will change required keys to appear in small letters instead!!

5- "Easy addition tasks might become weird...", does this happening when for example 1 + 1 = ?, instead of giving you 2 points it is giving you 9?, or the frequent appearing of 9 as an answer? if the latter, then it is alright, after it not not supposed to be a real challenge for the player, it should be a chill little time killer thing. :)

6- "50 Router [sic]"...", are you talking about Online store? they should be like that after formatting, after all hardware are reset to 0 including routers!.

7- "Are some of these bugs/quirks intentional...", no they are not!, also hardware prices formula is basePrice * 1.15 to the power of current amount of said hardware, this is the most normal formula used in almost all incremental type of game!

8- as for rest of typos and visual problems they will be fixed.

Finally, thank you again for this detailed list. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

1. In Crazy Games, when you have 1366x768 active and you're using Chrome, Windows 11 and the game isn't in full screen, it's one of these "lower resolutions". See the image for an example of split text:

3. I will clarify with an example: you have 8 radar dishes. You're buying the price of the 13th radar dish in x5 mode. 

5. It can give any amount of points between 1-9 regardless of the answer. E.g. it asks you to solve 1+1 and it gives you 8 points instead of the correct 2. 

6. Now it's no longer true. But previously it was (or at least what I thought) darkened.

7. You're wrong in this point. For example, the price of the second solar power unit is over one billion, which is more than double the price of the first one

(1 edit)

1- got it, will fix it.

3- indeed you are right, this was like this the from the very beginning and i did not catch it at all!!, it should be the sum not the (x)th price!!.

5- i will investigate more.

6- i still did not understand you well, i formatted, and the 50 router, 100 routerare cards appear as expected, or are you talking about something else?

7- you are correct, there seem to be some wrong calculations happening.

ok, since these bugs are related to some core gameplay mechanics, a fix will be either tomorrow which is not likely, or Monday for sure.

sincerely thank you. :)

(1 edit)

Also, some of the costs and initial CPS of hardware seem random. The same is true for "650 of any task/1950 total tasks".

Some things (including x5, x10...) are in Times New Roman as well. Is that intentional?

Nop! they are a product of spaghetti code :D, but don't worry, they are easy to fix... hopefully

(2 edits) (+1)

hello mangoflavor,

I have found many typos (e.g. "Dataaholic" should be "Dataholic"). In hard addition tasks it says you will get contribution points after 30 loop points instead of the actual 25 and I would like three things changed:

Firstly, the abbreviations of some orders of magnitude are incorrect. The first ones are in Console Idle, whilst the second ones (in brackets) are described in and should be used. (Since they're not mine you could consider crediting whoever created it)

Q (Qa)

aa (Qi)

ab (Sx)

ac (Sp)

ad (Oc)

ae (No)

af (Dc)

ag (UnD) 

ah (DoD)

ai (TrD)

aj (QaD)

ak (QiD)

al (SxD)

am (SpD)

an (OcD)

ao (NoD)

ap (V)

aq (UnV)

ar (DoV)

as (TrV)

at (QaV)

au (QiV)

av (SxV)

and so on.

Secondly, in the settings page "Creative" (before "Commons") should be underlined and in blue. 

Thirdly, "x1 Materials" should be "x1 Material".

(2 edits)

Hello consoleidlefan, i Like your name :D, and thank you for trying out the game

Thank you fer bringing these typos into my attention, they will be patched in the next update.

For the first point, Thank you for suggesting this list, however, there are some reasons on why i am using the current implemented names

  1. It is easier to read and to comprehend the number and its progression of getting bigger!
  2. Javascript(the language of which the game programmed with) allows max number of approximately 1e308, using the current system it can go up to 100.000ds, which is almost bigger than the given names
  3. In the future i might add 'Arbitrary-precision arithmetic', which in short, it will artificially allow me to use bigger numbers than the max 1e308, and so i would need more names, but using the current system, it is easier to modify and increase its capacity to 999.999zz, or even adding a whole new digit up to 999.999zzz all while preserving point 1.

and for the second and third point, they will be patched in the next updated too :D.

Thank you for providing this feedback. if you have more, or want to suggest new ideas, i will be here to read them all.

(1 edit) (+1)

Regarding your point 2, 1e308 (actually ~1.7977e308) IS bigger than the given names, which only go up to (1e303)-1 (1e303 would be C, 1e306 would be UnC, 1e309 would be DoC and so on).

Also, I found out that when you load a save, the tasks switch to Easy mode even when they're actually in Normal/Hard. I also found a black thing in "Format" that can also research "root:", thus "root:" can be researched with two different nods for some reason. FYI, the black "root:" is the leftmost nod. Is the existence of said nod intentional or not?

Yes they do go back to easy, i did not implement a save state for them, but you are right, as for the current UI design it is better to keep them where you left them at!.

and oh may, i did not see that sneaky node!!!, it is a duplicate, and it is not intended, and i have already located the issue and its fix :D.

but again all these fixes will be in the next update, as the last one just game out 2 days ago!

(2 edits)

also, the task is paused after you open a savefile. "FAN" should be "Fan" since it's not an abbreviation of anything.


1. After the last update, my save disappeared. Luckily, I had a very recent save that I exported to a notepad file on my PC. I would like to know from other players, maybe I’m not the only one who lost a save.

2. With each update, rewards for tier 1, 2, 3, 4 decrease more and more. Now there is no particular point in earning them at all. Before the big interface update, I could reach ag numbers with tier 1-5, but now I can earn at best 3-5 ae. Because of this, the passive play style has become more profitable. Why did you weaken this part of the game?

3. Problems with software missing from the store have been resolved. Thank you.

4. In the description of the 3D XPoint Memory achievement it is written “16 BB data” instead of “16 GB data”. I noticed it a long time ago, but was too lazy to talk about it. It's even a cute mistake.

5. "Console" never really caught on, so you removed the feature that made the game better. It's a pity. Honestly, I was hoping that cheat codes would be built in there in the future. :P

6. The mini-game "Blocker" has become difficult even at the easy difficulty level and I keep losing. Honestly, blocker is the main thing that annoys me, but this is a matter of taste.

Hello @deadmaldoror :D, nice to see you stikking in for so long, thank you for your support!.

1- i am glad to hear you have your savefile back :O, i did not alter anything related to saving files, maybe your browser's data got deleted?, the game is saved locally in your browser after all.

2- the last direct change to rewards scaling was in patch, which was like 6 months ago, but i have been altering other parts of the game that effect the scaling variables, maybe that's one of the reasons, also, in latest patch, when i was optimizing game code, i noticed an oopsi in rewards calculating formula which was giving you way much reward then intended!, so i fixed it, hence another reduction :D, do you think the previous rewards were better for the game overall?

3- i do not have a record about it, but i am glad it was fixed tho XD.

4- Thank you for reporting it, should i keep it XD?.

5- Initially i was planning to add the ability to

  • Type commands
  • Some coding
  • Hidden cheat codes

but after further thinking about it, i reached the conclusion that it will be an awesome thing to do in like the first 1-5 times, then it will get tedious, and the majority of players will rather like to have buttons that will do the same things rather than typing over and over!, so i decided to not invest and design and implement such complex system to be left alone after few minutes.

6- The new Blocker mini-game is inspired from old Pac-Man, seekers are (ghosts) they follow you, your goal is to reach the lower right corner to win the mini-game. anyway, this mode is still new, and am trying to find the best balance for it, some balancing changes for it will come in next update very soon.

As for your second point, I remember when crown coin effects increased how many credit/data tiers had. Obviously, the update made getting data harder. I am still looking forward for something that makes data and materials easier to get.

oh.. i see that you have been here since the very beginning:), yes, crown coin was affecting Tiers rewards as a hidden thing for the player to discover, but after further testing, this feature was harming the game more than adding to it, so i removed it.

Data and Materials will be boosted in the next (big) update, which it should be (world map) patch.


I hope the update comes as soon as possible. I also found a bug in the bot manager where the rectangles in the assemble tab become wide if you switch to it for the first time in fullscreen mode. Also, text might overlap with the rectangles. You should also fix capitalisation (e.g. "i" to "I")

Also, some credit achievements are separated by not one but two orders of magnitude. Is that intentional? Because from av (highest total credit generated achievement order of magnitude, SxV [10^81]) to ac (highest CPS achievement order of magnitude, Sp [10^24]) there is a HUGE gap. Some achievements seem ridiculous or am I just thinking that because I am still in early game or will some of these take fewer time to complete in the future? (Total credit generated: close to 3.6B as of writing time).

As for ideas, a new type of hardware called "Dongle" would make sense. The original cost and CPS would be 777,777,777,777,777 (over 777T) and exactly 370M respectively (both amounts if and only if it was to be the 13th type of hardware).

And I talked about typos in the game, but there are also grammar errors (e.g. Frequently instead of Frequent in System Manager/Softwares [the plurals of software and hardware are software and hardware respectively, NOT softwares and hardwares] where it concerns crown coins. The example I previously mentioned of "Dataaholic" instead of "Dataholic" in the game is actually a grammar error, not a typo).

Hello again :), Thank you for reporting all these mistakes, all will be fixed, i might do a tiny update to patch them and tight some loose screws.

regarding your hardware suggestion, i have already set up all future hardware, but i wont say any spoilers... but i might add it as a software, why not!!

As for the achievements they indeed do need some balancing, especially the CPS one, but right now they are not an urgent thing to balance. but even after the balance they will still be kinda ridiculous, but they will get easier as you progress, because some of them are meant for late game.


A game built with quite a few frameworks despite the description, and the tutorial keeps bugging out with dialog boxes that cannot be closed. It seems the crazygames integration is preventing a lot of things from working correctly. If it's possible (I don't know your publishing contract), a straight-upload to itch would be preferred!

Hello, thank you for trying the game :)

As mentioned i did not use any framework or engine to build this game, just used Sublime Text editor and slapped in HTML, CSS, JS codes to build it,

As for the bugged dialog boxes, it seems that it is an issue for different screen sizes, will see what i can do about it to solve it for all screen sizes, but a fix will take a while!

That is objectively false, given that you explicitly are using jQuery, and your host (crazy games) is using React. The combination is probably responsible for a lot of the things, but again, I don't know if your publishing agreement would allow you to ditch crazygames to make it actually work on itch (I get the feeling frame security settings are interfering with crazygames, which is disrupting your game as an anti-piracy measure)

Dear, jQuery is a library as what the official jQuery site says, not a framework, some consider it a framework for how big it is, as for what CrazyGames uses, it does not effect how any game in this platform was developed, or what they used.

if you have the time, could you tell me what is not working correctly? it might be a bug in the game itself!.

jQuery is... a bit on the odd side, I'll admit. It calls itself a library, but its behavior can act more like a framework!

As for the bugs, the tutorial regularly softlocked due to the button to continue being missing (I notice the text is moving off the thing, which might be part of it).

CrazyGames *is* effecting it, as they've disabled the fullscreen function and are pushing many ads that are starting to interfere with the game itself! If you were to pull up a network view and see all of the CG stuff that is being loaded alongside the game.

I would also appreciate it if you could elaborate on the publishing agreement, as you've not done so in any replies yet


'the tutorial regularly softlocked due to the button to continue being missing' this is due to different screen sizes, aka a bug from me not from CrzyGames, i will fix it.

as for full screen issue, it is indeed the built in full screen button from CrazyGames is not working, thus i have activated itch full screen button, but they will be overlapped on top of each other... but oh well, at least you can full screen now!

ADs are integrated by me... and as you might have noticed they are absently do not interfere in your gameplay ever, they are optional.

The things that are 'being loaded alongside the game', are from CrazyGames, these are scripts so CrazyGames integration work here, such as Ads.

I would rather not to talk about my publishing agreement, please understand.

Since I have already achieved 90% of the improvements in the “format” menu, every time I restart the “computer”, when I click on a bunch of softwares, some improvements may simply disappear and not return until I press “format” again. And the likelihood that in the next format you will get through all the improvements is zero. Therefore, the number of dates changes each time.

I hope that you will fix this bug or at least introduce an “improve all” button so that all software available to the player is immediately clicked.

Seriously, this bug makes it very difficult to earn a date.

For some reason, the screenshots are not uploaded, but I’ll try to make a proof somehow.

(1 edit)

 There should be "red" softwares here, but they are missing.

(1 edit)

Hello, thank you for trying out the Game,

sorry for not answering you early, I have just uploaded a new patch for the game.

I am not sure if i understood you well!, you are saying that Format is not taking effect immediately? but only after formatting another time, meaning you need to format two times to get new effects?

For the other part, i have added a button to simply install All current affordable softwares, not only that but also Automatic install, were any new unlocked software will be immediately installed if you have enough Credit and RAM space :D

Also there is a lot of other improvements, if possible if you still feeling to play the game, give it a go and tell me your opinion, and if the bugs you experienced are still there or not!

Thank you.

Okay, this is starting to get weird. In the previous “format” I had as much as 75,200 KB DPS without an online store. Now I only have 3.038 KB DPS and there is no way to increase it with the help of softwares, since the game does not give them to me.

And by the way, this is not the first time I have noticed that due to some random actions, some softwares simply disappear from possible purchases. At the same time, the fact that the bot manager should increase my DPS does not affect the statistics in any way, no matter how many “bots” I add there.

>post: body: expected text between 1 and 20480 characters

And because of this I can't post screenshot.

How to boost max energy


first: thanks for u. (lot off smooth moment with game --> it relax)

i think "bug reports" help u. so:

1. i have two "account" and both (bot managers) give me 0.2/m more each scabbing "hand". other one have few "scrapping production" 1,2 and 3" other one not. (but both give same affect to MPM)

2. im seen same than in pic in casting too, and u can also see casting in pic doesent take any energy

Hello, thank you for reporting these bugs.

Please correct me if i did not understand you well.

1- the 0.2/m is not a bug, Scrapping gives you 1 Material per 5 minutes, and the MPM (Material Per Minute) show you how many Materials you are producing per minute, hence 1 material per 5 minutes = 0.2 Material per minute, and same logic for all productions methods.

2- Casting is working properly under the hood, the issue is that its energy and production texts are not updating accordingly.

3- as for the long weird numbers, it is a minor issue, and a simple fix

These bugs does not affect gameplay, so the fix will be implemented in the next patch :)

Thank you for sparing some of your time to report these bugs :D.

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